Vehicle Sales Forecasting with AWS, Snowflake, Python, & Streamlit
Get our white paper today to understand the implementation of a vehicle sales forecasting system using a powerful technology stack consisting of AWS, Snowflake, Python, & Streamlit.
Get our white paper today to understand the implementation of a vehicle sales forecasting system using a powerful technology stack consisting of AWS, Snowflake, Python, & Streamlit.
Upload CSV files to the Snowflake account (destination) from a local system using an AmazonS3 (bucket) connection through Fivetran.
Learn about data unloading from Snowflake tables to files using bulk unloading & PARTITION BY. Unload data to local machines or external stages (AWS, AZURE, GCP) with ease!
LumenData Wins the Global ‘Delivery Channel Partner Of The Year’ Award At Informatica’s Partner Awards 2023
LumenData Wins the Global ‘Delivery Channel Partner Of The Year’ Award At Informatica’s Partner Award Program 2023